Friday, February 28, 2025

Sunday Night Meditation

Link to:

Each Sunday night at 7:00 PM we meet at the meditation pool for a “spiritual dip”.  

Sometimes we receive messages, and sometimes we just enjoy a quiet dip in the spiritual pool.

Join us at the “Meditation Pool” 
Sunday nights at 7:00 PM for an extended meditation session. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

DSU Meeting, Feb 26, 2025 (#22)

Divine Science University held a business meeting on Feb. 26, 2025, at 6:00 PM. Following the invitation song Teach Your Children Well by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young we took a moment to breath deeply together, review our mission statement and opening intention.

At 6:11 PM we reviewed the various updates and changes recently made by colleges discussing blog-site and college updates, insights and discoveries, and investigating how a college’s content addresses the needs of a diverse community. One observed that GFLAA, a group of "spiritual-self aware” people, created DSU to explore the who, what, where, when, why and how of life, and works to share wisdom and experience for those who seek illumination in life by providing opportunities to gain knowledge, acquire wisdom and live with integrity.

DSU then created or recruited colleges, groups acting as a unit, typically focused upon a limited or focused field of study to create content – the wisdom that they choose so share with those who seek illumination in life.  This content is shared with those interested. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

DSU 1st Quarter E-Newsletter

 Click “Read more” to see the newsletter. 

Here We Go!

We are well into the first quarter of 2025 and the world is actively working and changing.  DSU is actively working and changing as well.   

Our colleges are working to share their spiritual messages with the world.  Some are investing in ways to help others with health, fitness, and spiritual strengthening.  We are actively exploring the Spirit of the Cosmos, each in our own way.

We invite you to review this, our first quarter e-newsletter, and enjoy some of DSU’s insights.  We invite you to forward it to those who may desire to become aware of these messages.   

We invite you to come and participate with us as you have an interest.  We have multiple weekly zoom events, we have monthly in-person social events, we have quarterly ceremonial observations in which we participate (solstices and equinoxes) as a way to mark our progress through the year.   

We, the colleges of DSU are diligently working as we are led by Spirit to share our wisdom with you.  We hope you will receive it in the spirit in which it is intended–a means of potential spiritual growth. 

Just click on an article title to be taken to that article.  

Click “Read more” to see the newsletter. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

DSU Meeting Jan. 28, 2025 (#21)

Divine Science University held a business meeting on Jan. 28, 2025.  We reviewed our intentions for the meeting and watched a YouTube video Teach Your Children Well, by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young.

Following a few minutes of calm breathing we discussed orientations on the Feb. 1, 2025 and plans for chat/gathering every first Saturday at the Brenham Chiropractic Clinic.  We also reviewed an Equinox Mission and SIA  (Spiritual Intelligence Alliance).

Thursday, January 23, 2025

DSU Meeting Jan. 13, 2025 (#20)

Divine Science University held a business meeting on Jan. 13, 2025.  We reviewed our intentions for the meeting and watched a YouTube video Teach Your Children Well, by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young.

Following a few minutes of calm breathing we reviewed what DSU had founded and achieved in 2024. These included the invitation of a DSU newsletter for sharing the articles and postings of our colleges.  The establishment of physical use space for the activities of the ONT-TLC College.  The growth and use of the SOW college as a repository for newsletter and article information.  The administration is distilling into a more cohesive and well developed plan with time.

We reviewed requests of DSU and it was reported that there is a request of someone who will be willing to work with others in developing blog or web resources to share information, knowledge and wisdom with family members and others.

We briefly discussed how each college can assist in the awakening process of supporting spiritual development through Divine Science University college participation.

Chris shared a presentation on Insights to Humanity’s Nature Religions which may be found in a series of six interlinked articles from the SOW Blog starting with the Introduction.

We reviewed upcoming events and discussed suggestions for our next forums, GFLAA to be held Jan 21, and DSU Jan 28.  Jackie will bring a presentation on Jan 28.