Thursday, April 4, 2024

Sharing, Exploring, Experiencing

Are you ready to SEE (Share, Explore, Experience)?

Our mission is exploring the who, what, where, when, why and how of life.

DSU works to share wisdom and experience for those who seek illumination in life by providing opportunities to gain knowledge, acquire wisdom and live with integrity.

Wisdom, the word, is derived from ancient words indicating, among other things, have it the power of discerning and judging effectively, and is derived from words meaning “to see.”  Wisdom depends upon sensory inputs, our perceptions by whatever sense method we use. We gather those inputs in our brains and our experience, our practical contact, with what it is we have perceived, and our good judgment allow us to come to sensible conclusions (as opposed to nonsensical conclusions).

What IS it that we “put in our brains?”   Humanity can know things on three different strata:

DATA: facts, figures, dates, people, and observations in isolation and without context.  It is merely an awareness that things exist, but not knowing what to do with such data.  For example “Oh look a fire.”

KNOWLEDGE: organizes the data we perceive so that we can understand cause, effect, and their relation to outcome. “Oh look a fire.  I think I will pick up a burning ember.”

WISDOM:  is the use of perception, knowledge, and discernment to “wise” or “sensible” outcomes.  “Oh look a fire.  I think that I will pick up a burning ember. Oh wait…I remember that someone did that once and they cried a lot because it was painful.  I  don’t think I will pick up a burning ember.”

The mission of DSU is to promote the exploration of life and to share the data, knowledge, and through the sharing of experiences promote wisdom.

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