Wednesday, July 24, 2024

DSU Sharing Meeting, July 24, 2024

For this meeting four were present from around the world and we worked through our agenda and enjoyed our discussions.  

From 6:00 to 6:15 PM we conversed and determined that DSU will, for the time being, focus on developing the Blogspot web pages of the DSU site rather than duplicating efforts in also developing a Wix based platform.  All were in agreement.

From 6:15 to 6:35 PM we discussed the following:

  • Regarding the use of an invitation or opening/closing song.  In order to ensure that sound broadcast is not an issue, we determined that we may wish to put a link to meditative music or song and encourage participants to watch it some 3-5 minutes before joining the meeting.  
  • Regarding the development of a consistent logo, we determined that perhaps, for the time, we use whatever logo suits our needs, changing them as desired, until a point in time when a particular logo calls to us.
  • Regarding the use of terminology of "members" or "associates" we determined that the use of "partners" and "associates was preferred, with "partners" being committed to longer term participation and "associates" to limited participation.
  • Regarding the educational portion of our sharing meetings it was discussed that various DSU members bring some of their education during the meeting, we also suggested that any non-DSU, or potential DSU member might be invited to prepare an a written article or other audio-visual presentation of about 10 min length for use during our sharing meeting as a way to invite participation and explore new ideas.

From 6:40 to 6:50 PM we sought communications spiritually with the following results:

Sananda/GFL: FYI - Marcus and A-me/Anita are already well respected and trusted representatives of GFL.

Rose:  Take time to breathe during your vacations and become aware of the deeper and broader aspects that surround you and are you..... you will find yourself calm and serene and prepared for those that will be coming your way.  This is the time to open, expand, accept, allow, and be aware.

We are Amassani. We are a collective from the Sassani Race of People. We would like to introduce ourselves as  group who are available for connection regarding 1st, 2nd and 3rd contact. We are a group working with Anita. We would like you to know that we appreciate your participation with 1st, 2nd and 3rd contact. There is great change happening on Earth, as this concept is being carefully presented to humanity. As more information filters through the awareness of change happens. We are only one of many different peoples who are working to bring about this change on Earth. We are feeling excited by the changes happening and we wish to extend our gratitude for your part and how your DSU will help to bring changes that will enhance humanity and their galactic partners.             Love and blessings> Amassani.

DIVINE: Humanity has both long sought after me and run away from me simultaneously.  The same will be true of DSU.  Some will actively seek learning and growing and many will be afraid of it.  Many will shun DSU out of fear.  Some will find DSU out of love.  DSU needs to chart its own course and seek to fulfill its own purpose and let humanity join and fall away as old skin falls away from the human body.  It’s OK.  The destination is the journey of exploration, spiritual exploration, enjoy the exploring and keep moving on.    Remember we said “if you build it, they will come,” well what you build needs to be what you desire.  People will come to check out your desires and will chose to make them their own, or will reject them.  It’s ok.  They have free choice to do so.  There is no “finish line” so it is the activity that is more important than the outcome.  Choose activities that you LOVE and share your love with others.

AC/DC: You will be most effective when you think Galactically and act locally.  This does not mean that you are limited to galactic affairs and understanding as we know many of you travel inter-galactically and inter-dimensionally… we are saying and asking you to consider keeping your activities with GFL and DSU to this local Milky Way Galaxy and within this Uni-verse.        Thanks.

We reviewed our messages until 6:55 pm when we discussed suggestions for our next meeting on August 13, 2024. Anita brought us a very eloquent and moving message from Marcus that we all enjoyed. 

We began closing at 7:00 PM and concluded our meeting at 7:15 pm


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