Divine Science University held a business meeting on Jan. 13, 2025. We reviewed our intentions for the meeting and watched a YouTube video Teach Your Children Well, by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young.
Following a few minutes of calm breathing we reviewed what DSU had founded and achieved in 2024. These included the invitation of a DSU newsletter for sharing the articles and postings of our colleges. The establishment of physical use space for the activities of the ONT-TLC College. The growth and use of the SOW college as a repository for newsletter and article information. The administration is distilling into a more cohesive and well developed plan with time.
We reviewed requests of DSU and it was reported that there is a request of someone who will be willing to work with others in developing blog or web resources to share information, knowledge and wisdom with family members and others.
We briefly discussed how each college can assist in the awakening process of supporting spiritual development through Divine Science University college participation.
Chris shared a presentation on Insights to Humanity’s Nature Religions which may be found in a series of six interlinked articles from the SOW Blog starting with the Introduction.
We reviewed upcoming events and discussed suggestions for our next forums, GFLAA to be held Jan 21, and DSU Jan 28. Jackie will bring a presentation on Jan 28.
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