Saturday, August 31, 2024

DSU Meeting, August 27, 2024

 The following are not minutes, but rather notations of some of the discussions at this meeting.

A regular meeting of the DSU participants was held online at 6:10 PM via Zoom.  We logged in before 6:00 PM but technical difficulties slowed us down until 6:10 PM David, Jackie, Chris D, Linda, Anita, and John were in attendance. We joined for a few minutes of meditative breathing. 

At 6:16 PM we opened discussions with a request for monthly member participation for creating a regular periodic email newsletter for public sharing.  A prototype newsletter may be found at July/August GFLAA Newsletter.  The newsletter will be improved continuously from this format. The request is not for creating additional work but for publically sharing the work we have already done.  This prototype is an example just sharing SOW news that is already posted on THAT website. Future newsletters would link to DSU member’s public presentations.
This request is that each DSU participant share news or information from their current work that this newsletter can link to, or republish in a newsletter format on the DSU site. Linda has shared a large list of her blog postings that will be used to craft a short explanatory statement with a direct link to a blog posting on her blog site.  SOW will continue to post periodic news and wisdom.  Others are invited to do the same each month.  

This will serve to share our news and insights, and as vehicles to expose DSU member websites to the public as the newsletters get shared around the world.  This DSU vehicle will improve with each issue of our DSU newsletter.  Ideas for improvement are welcomed at our DSU Meetings.  A September  newsletter is  currently being prepared and is anticipated to be “published” the first week in September.

At 6:25 PM Chris referenced the article Humanities and Divine Science and asked the question How can DSU serve to assist humanity, and AI, to learn more about what it means to be human? And how can our individual colleges and academies contribute to help spread such teachings?

At 6:33 PM we discussed the particulars of the Carol Crosby bequest that is becoming a scholarship and benevolence fund for DSU use.  We discussed particulars and ideas relating to this developing project.  Information will be made “public” as the project develops.

At 6:43 PM we be listened in meditation and received the following:

AC/DC: We like the casual way you are joining together at this meeting.  We at the "Other Realms" can FEEL your HeartFelt connections and camaraderie.  Just continue in the same energy and your visions will be brought forth with majesty and magnificence.  Our Best to Y'all. - LE

MEWE:  Start with what you KNOW.  Share it.  Get better at it.  Repeat.

Mingtah here - We are glad to find gentle progress spanning between continents and platforms. The interconnectivity is assisting with building/establishing the next higher octave of the grid. The nodes fuse at each intersection, allowing light to penetrate into the lower frequencies. This allows for the alienation of suffering on all earth planes.

Anu: As a transforming species... you are surpassing our greatest hopes and desires.  We WILL be joining you all very soon.  PROMISE!!! - LE

JZ:  The diversity of information is a gift and necessity due to the various beliefs, understanding, and spiritual growth of those who are have a need for greater understanding and growth opportunities.  A short time allowed for each member to share their wisdom at each meeting  or skills is a plus.... also perhaps a monthly gathering to actually experience it.

Sananda:  YES... ALL of what you are doing is part-and-parcel in achieving the outcomes we were hoping for by our GFLAA Request you call a "Clarian Call" for Ambassadors of the Light. - LE

Marcus: Your light shared is immense. This light is growing and interconnecting. This becomes a network and your have begun creating this network. This will grow exponentially over time. Greatness has begun. Joy is felt by all. 

We concluded with comments and noted that our next discussion/planning meeting will be Tuesday, Sep. 10.

We concluded in gratitude at 7:25 PM. 

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