Wednesday, September 25, 2024

DSU Shares Meeting Sep. 24, 2024

A regular meeting of the DSU was held online at 5:50 PM via Zoom.  Anita, David, Jackie and Chris were present.  We joined together for a few minutes of meditative breathing and opened sharing our intention.

At 6:00 PM we reviewed and reflected upon the notes from our Sep. 10th meeting.  We reviewed our roster of schedules for meeting presentations:

  • Oct 8 -- Anita
  • Oct 22 -- Julie
  • Nov 12 -- Chris
  • Nov 26 -- ?
  • Dec 10 -- Jackie
  • Dec 24 -- David
We discussed our planning concepts regarding DSU funding for benevolence, children, scholarships, and project work.  At 6:10 PM we reviewed the names of the various colleges that are currently participating with DSU to see if they were correct or needed to be altered in any way.  We also discussed ideas regarding the DSU E-newsletter and various ideas for growing, sharing and promoting in the future.

At 6:40 PM we sought to meditate and then shared our results:
  • DSU is not "something to build"  it is a place for sharing.  Individuals publically sharing their passions are combined INTO DSU.  STEP 1.  Know your passion; STEP 2 share your passion by making it public in some way; STEP 3 join with DSU to call attention to your publicly shared passion, and to any private business work that you may do with individuals.  —CHRIS
  • Saw more beings opening their eyes... and seeing things differently.... more looking upward than downward.... and saw connections happening in the big figure 8.... infinity sign.... meaning knowing themselves as infinite vs limited.  Lightness all around. --Jackie
  • David: I keep getting the visual of "Islands in the Stream" and the words "That is what we are".  In other words... we are all independently working synergistically together... floating in the Divine Stream of Consciousness and enjoying our journey. - LE
  • Sananda/GFL: It IS what you dream it is and that is also what we are dreaming within you. - Namaste - LE
  • I see a vision where DSU is not only for those who live upon Earth. But beyond Earth. The knowledge given is there are many who are still growing and learning. That a governing board of some who are proposed by the GFL work with this. That there are those from this board who attend meetings and others who are wishing to grow and learn also attend by approval. They would have access to our blogs and site. They would not be able to contribute but they would be able to use it as a learning platform.
(We have the ability to access your site with permission when it is fully up and running. To be able to then pass this information on to the groups who are affiliated with us and wish to grow and learn. To those who have petitioned us and are working towards affiliation. We thank you for your consideration and all you are doing. You are on the road to success. Enjoy the process.)  -- Marcus/ A-me as representatives of GFL

At 6:50 PM we reviewed upcoming meetings:  Oct 1 for GFLAA; Oct 8 for DSU; Oct 15th for GFLAA.  We shared our closing intention at 7:00 PM and closed shortly thereafter.

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