Sunday, September 29, 2024

October 2024 E-Newsletter

“Shedding Light”

An e-newsletter to share information and wisdom. 
Click title below to read an article.

To shed is to cast off, to scatter abroad.  It is from an ancient word root from which the word science is derived.  As ambassadors of the light we shed light wherever we are. This e-newsletter will assist in helping enlighten those willing to learn.

In this posting Author L. S. Berthelsen looks at "coming of age" and notes that the maturation process is driven at both cellular and energetic levels to become SELF RELIANT; to assume responsibility for one's self and contribute to the welfare of the herd, pack or community.  She notes that every culture has their own initiations into adulthood.  She calls us to explore the maturation process of human consciousness so that, perhaps, humanity may be ready to grow up and learn to live as mature dwellers of their communities... at all levels; local, regional, state, nation, continental, globe, and beyond.  She asks us "I am ready to grow up!  How about you?"


The Perception of Time Influences Healing... Independent of Actual Time

A study published in December 2023 found the perception of time passed was a significant factor that seems to influence the speed of healing.

“We saw that the healing rate of the wound depended on the duration of time as perceived by the participant. Results suggest that abstract psychological precepts, such as those that guide how we perceive the passage of time, can significantly impact physical health outcomes. 


The Effect of Mind On the Body

Associated with the article above, this second installment in this series on the mind and healing indicates that  thought can influence the physical world.   

Prior to “modern medicine”, philosophers long promoted monism— the unity of body and mind. According to this view, the body is a single system encompassing both body and mind, changing as a whole.  This researcher realized “Why not bring the body and mind back together, treat them as one unit, and see where that takes us?"   
Ponder these questions:

    • If mind and body are TWO, then who is “in control?” 
    • If mind and body are ONE then in what ways do each of them influence the other?
    • Consider a “third partner” in this equation: what entity partners with the mind and the body?

This final installment concludes a brief investigation into thinking of the mind and the body as one single unit rather than separate components.   

It reports on a study that demonstrates that a change in perspective results in physical change.  Another report shows that a change in time perspective results in body changes beyond conscious control. These reports demonstrate that belief results in change.

The researchers conclude that life consists of different moments, and what is needed is to treat these moments as important.  Treat things as changes and enjoy the moment.

The Importance of Mindset

Two fundamental mindsets in our approach to life are explored. The first mindset, what we might call the closed mindset, believes that our gifts and talents are limited, i.e. we either “have it” or we don’t.  That success and failure depends more on innate ability and less on effort and self-improvement. 

Those with an open mind, however, see difficulties as springboards for improvement, obstacles to be overcome by work, grit, and creative thinking.  Developing talents and abilities to its fullest potential requires constantly honing one’s skills.


When you look in the mirror what do you see? 
  • What you see is what you will live.  If you see a person who is unhappy with their life, then this is the life you will live. 
  • If you see a happy person who lives a life full of exciting experiences, a life of learning and adventure, learning the true meaning of life, then this is what you will live.  
  • The old saying “be careful of what you wish for” is very true.  You are the master of your own life.  OWN IT.  BE IT.  LIVE IT. 
- Anita

This article reports on a recent experimental observation of quantum entanglement between the fundamental particles at the highest energies yet observed.  Normally such particles decay into other subatomic particles so quickly they are not observable.  Imagine playing billiards with materials that move randomly, decay quickly, and recombine in expected AND unexpected ways.  It takes a masterful player indeed to just attempt to play such a game.  


Values or Virtues

One difference between our Victorian era (1837-1901) ancestors and our current era was their emphasis on virtues over values.  This article explores the difference between the two.   
Humanity needs to step up its level of energy by focusing on what is of excellence, what is of inestimable worth, what is of high character and moral strength; of what is best for all rather than merely what is valued by some person or party.


Light and Sound Stimulation Helps Protect Against Neurodegeneration

Certain brain wave patterns have more protective value for brain cells than others. Learn more in this report on the degeneration of brain cells and what helps to restore cellular function.

Receiving Energy and Information Through our Chakra System

We receive outside information and energy through our body's chakra system.  Each chakra interprets energy somewhat differently.  Learn more about the chakra system in this article from the C.A.R.E.S. College of DSU.  It provides an overview of each chakra's purpose and type of energy and information received through it.


A DSU member that offers opportunities that enhance and accelerate your Spiritual Growth by assisting in reconnecting you to Your Soul origins, your soul pastyour soul future, your guides, and to the lives and experiences you have had beyond Earth and beyond this Universe.  Click the title above for more info.  


Online Self-discovery Course Offered by Oneness Now Energy ~ Transformational Light Center

ONE-TLC offers FREE Experiences for you to fully embrace your Physical-Emotional-Mental-Spiritual Growth & Expansion.  Click the title above for more info.  

You may send questions or requests for FREE course experiences to  We will answer and send you our syllabus and the introduction to any of our ONE-TLC experiences you request.  Contact us for more info.

This Could be YOUR Space... 

Join with DSU and you could be linked as a member college, or develop your own free site. 

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