We invite you to join in our Winter Solstice Celebration on December 20 and 21.
Friends and extended family will meet together to share experiences of this longest night of the year as the Winter begins. You are welcome to join us for either or both days.
- Of what have you become more aware, or have you newly come to know or reflected upon since the Summer Solstice six months ago?
- What new seeds (ideas/intentions) will you plant that you will, or are, nurturing for blossoming at the Spring Equinox?
These responses will be made part of the Yule Log ceremony as it burns into the campfire for offering your responses to the Cosmic Consciousness. If you prefer your response remain private you may give them to us in a sealed envelope, or share them with instructions to keep them private. We will do our best to make sure they remain private.
Winter Solstice Program
Friday, December 20th
A time of gathering for Solstice celebrations.
Come and stay overnight if you wish. We have space for parking, a cabin, tents, and a guest room in the house. Arrive anytime after 4:00 PM.
As we gather together we encourage the sharing of music, campfire fellowship and story telling, skits and star gazing and anything else we desire to do. The focus is upon gathering together and enjoying fellowship and sharing refreshments and provisions with one another.
Meals will be provided Friday and Saturday, but you may also bring some of your bounty to share if you wish. A Taco soup and other provisions will be available for supper.
We will gather at about 3:00 AM in the Cosmic Field for a time of Communing with the Cosmos in individual meditation with a brief observance of the time of the Solstice beginning about 3:15 AM, and followed by continued individual meditation until about 3:30 AM. Then enjoy communing around the fire, or retire back to sleep if you prefer.
Contact info@carmineconnection.com for more information/directions.
Saturday, December 21
A festive time of connecting and communing.
Following your slumbers, enjoy the peace of a morning campfire and enjoy your coffee, tea or other favorite wake-up beverage as people gather around the campfire (or in the house if it just TOO cold 🙂 Expect cold nights and mornings and mild to warm days at this time of year).
You may join us anytime during the day. We will have our regular GFLAA Ceremony with our Soul/Star families from 11:00pm to 12:00pm. A lunch will be served around 1:00 PM and a time of sharing fellowship will continue for some hours afterward. You are free to come and go as you desire.
The focus is on what the Winter Solstice entails, means, symbolizes, and holds for us as we begin transitioning from the "old year" and into the "new year." It is both a time of looking back and looking forward.
Sometime during the afternoon the "Yule Log" will be placed and gradually fed into the fire for the remainder of the celebration. The Yule Log will have a container(s) where you can write and "offer up in smoke" for sharing with the cosmos your desires.
Potential activities for the day include enjoying the campfire, sharing stories, fellowshipping, wandering in nature and more. Please bring:
- Your favorite holiday food, drink, stories, games, music, etc. for sharing for celebration. What is YOUR favorite holiday snack?
- Other ideas include:
- "Nature craft" for enjoying and making use of nature in our celebrations.
- "Holiday Music", bring your most unusual or little known holiday music, for either performing it live or recorded music is good too. What are your favorite holiday tunes?
- "Group singing." We have found a number of "Solstice Songs" set to the music of traditional Christmas carols that might be fun to share. They certainly are creative. You will find a few of them in this E-newsletter.
- "Story telling". Bring one or more short stories for sharing "around the campfire" or wherever we gather. All beliefs, faiths, and perspectives may be shared without fear. If it is meaningful to you, it is meaningful to us.
Come Saturday and enjoy a lunch, a campfire, a Yule Log, a solstice celebration and a time of "hanging out" to relax in nature, or in the warm house. Holiday foods, drinks, festivities and observances will abound. All talents shared are given in the spirit of enjoying new and fun activities in a safe environment.
Let's all enjoy the fun together and look forward to the Winter and to the new year. "Yule be sorry you missed it" if you don't!
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